To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Transgender Pride Flag, Monica Helms, its creator, is coming to Vancouver.
Her visit is part of The Visibility Tour, making its way across Canada to celebrate the International Day of Pink, held each year in April to combat bullying and discrimination.
Monica will be joined by a lineup of local speakers to celebrate three major milestones in queer history.

The De-pathologization of Homosexuality: 50th Anniversary
Speaker: El Chenier
El Chenier is a Professor of History at Simon Fraser University where they teach and write about the queer past. They have lectured on lesbian history across Canada and around the world. Their earliest forays into this field led them to a ground-breaking oral history collection. When not lost in the archives, El enjoys hanging out with friends, seeing live music, and scratching their dog Lucy’s belly.

The Brunswick Four Incident: 50th Anniversary
Speaker: Susan Craigie
Susan Craigie has lived in East Van for 35 years, and raised her sons in Sitka Co-Op, Canada’s first lesbian housing co-operative. She has brought her socialist feminism and activism to her work, from battered women’s shelters, to the first harm reduction housing initiative in Canada, and to HIV care and support in marginalized populations, iincluding BC prisons. She organized the legendary Kiss-In at Joe's Café - a powerful story which she will share as part of the event.

The Transgender Flag: 25th Anniversary
Speaker: Monica Helms
Monica F. Helms is an American Navy veteran, transgender activist, and author. She is the founder of the Transgender American Veterans Association, and is best known as the creator of the most widely-known transgender flag.
Monica will be interviewed about her pioneering work by Glenn Tkach, creator of The Really Gay History Tour.
PRESENTER: The International Day of Pink
DATE: Saturday, April 27th, 2024
TIME: 3:00pm
DURATION: 2 hours
AT: The Junction, 1138 Davie Street, Vancouver BC
ADMISSION: Free or by donation
TICKETS: www.dayofpink.org
The Junction is a licensed venue. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.